The Family Matters Initiative!

U-Nique Purpose, Inc. is working to Change the data of the top 10 zip codes of the last address associated with inmates incarcerated within Texas state prisons. These zip codes report the highest removal rates for “scholars” who are abused and/or neglected. In the U.S. today, approximately 400,000 children and youth are in foster care at any given time. This data drives U-Nique Purpose, Inc., “The Family Matters Initiative,

“Ain’t I a Role Model!” | The Family Matters Initiative

What happens to the parent who, due to mistakes, have lost their privilege of being a parent? What happens to the parent who can’t articulate and act on such articulation, in ensuring a healthy balance between parent and friend? Toward this end, UP offers specialized classes that focus on the complexities attached to unraveling the above queries.

Be it the focus upon mental health, legal assistance and/or life coaching, U-Nique Purpose, Inc., will ensure that parents are granted the tools to define self-success and family success in breaking down the generational pathology that leads to one’s ultimate demise.

Contact us  now, to enroll! Spaces are limited!!

U-Nique Purpose, Inc., build working relationships in the community. Providing Life Skills on the importance of Boundaries!

U-Nique Purpose, Inc., build working relationships in the community.

Working at the Election Polls….Exposing Young People to the Political Arena

Desoto Special Election wDesoto HS Students UNique Purpose FWBC Generation NEXT Young Adults
Working Desoto Special Election with Desoto HS Students & FWBC Generation NEXT Young Adults!
In the community! These ladies was determine to complete their certifications through the DCCCD. Thanks for allowing me to be apart of your story!!

In the Community!! Board Party!

2 Comments to “Prevention”

  1. I would like to the details of your parenting classes.

    1. Thank you for your message. Someone will reach out to you with more information. Thanks again!

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